Lemon Water: Miracle or Myth?
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 Is lemon water really as good as everyone claims it is? The short answer is yes ...

Regularly drinking fresh lemon juice in water is Alkalizing. Fresh lemon juice is very sour and acidic however lemons are considered a very alkaline food. Despite the acidity of the juice, once it interacts with water molecules and enters the body it actually forms alkaline molecules that contribute to a healthy and balanced pH level.

One of the reasons is that lemon juice contains alkaline minerals such as magnesium and calcium. It is essential to maintain a balanced pH level in our bodies to prevent disease. It is true that our bodies tightly regulate our blood pH. However, our environment and the foods we eat often promote an acid pH outside of the bloodstream and cells. To counteract and prevent this harmful acid build up we need to eat and drink “alkaline forming” foods such as lemon water.

Stimulates the liver and digestion: A diet heavy in fat and animal based foods puts excess stress on liver function and impairs the smooth flow of bile, which is essential for optimal digestion.

A glass of lemon water in the morning is a simple way to stimulate the liver and promote bile flow which in turn aids in digestion. The acidic and photochemical properties of lemon “kick start” your digestive organs so they are ready to function well all day.
Lemon water also sometimes helps resolve heartburn symptoms by stimulating healthy stomach function. Anti-microbial: Lemon juice as has been traditionally used as a home remedy for a sore throat or cold. There is some merit to this use since lemons have anti-microbial properties.

A cup of warm water and lemon juice is a cheap and easy way to combat a sore throat. Despite its many benefits, lemon juice is sometimes touted as stimulating weight loss, building bone and combating heartburn. It can definitely indirectly contribute to general health. It will improve digestion and hydration which can indirectly promote better energy production.

 Water is its own right should be taken in the morning to also promote digestion, flush out toxins and hydrate our cells. The morning lemon water habit can offset other morning habits such as drinking coffee that don’t have the same health benefits. A good dose is the juice of half a lemon mixed with 500mL of lukewarm water. Drink it on waking, 30 minutes before eating any food.  Cold water it can hamper blood flow to your stomach and thus impair digestion. Try a big glass of lemon water in the morning for a month and discover for yourself the power of simplicity. - See more at: http://mypurebalance.ca/blog/lemon-water-miracle-myth/#sthash.gT09iEb3.dpuf

Half a lemon squeezed in a glass of water once a day is enough vitamin C to combat colds and flu. In addition, lemon enhances the body’s ability to absorb iron, and thus is an important nutrient for a healthy immune system.

Lemon juice is similar to the structure of the digestive juices in the stomach and has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Therefore, lemon juice helps cleansing the bowels by flushing out waste and stimulating the release of gastric juices. It also helps with heartburn and flatulence.

The antioxidant properties of lemon help in fighting free radicals, which are responsible for the symptoms of aging. Because of this, use lemon if you want to look younger as much as you can.

Lemons contain pectin and soluble fibers, which is typical for the citruses. Thanks to pectin, it will keep you longer out of kitchen, and it will also keep you away from junk food when you feel hungry.

Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods which balance acidity in the body. Without this balance we are more susceptible to various infections.

Lemon juice is a diuretic which means it stimulates the production of urine. As a result, the toxins from the body leave faster than usual, and this helps the urinary tract health. In this way, one can change the pH value of the urinary tract and it will make harder for bacteria to expand and induce inflammation.

Antiseptic properties of lemon destroy bad bacteria in the mouth and the lemon juice acts as a disinfectant. A glass of water with lemon is much healthier option than a cup of coffee in the morning.

High levels of potassium in lemon help in better function of the brain and its control of blood pressure. Lemon and water also reduce stress and depression, since they are associated with a low level of potassium in the body.

Because of ascorbic acid, lemon improves healing of wounds in the body and is an important nutrient in maintaining healthy bone tissue and the cartilage.

Lemon also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Water with lemon acts as a liver cleanse or detox. It cleanses and stimulates the liver, stimulates the production of bile and acids needed for digestion, and it can also help in dissolving gallstones.