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Sauerkraut | manuka-honey-mastic-gum


savoury mastic : anissa's blog
30 Apr 2011 ... Gum mastic producers go to the fields very early in the morning and make incisions in .... Mastiha technically does not have an expiration date.

Helicobacter Pylori and Low Stomach Acid

Helicobacter Pylori and Low Stomach Acid

Excerpts from: Nutritional Causes, Prevention and Therapies
While "stress" was a popular basis for stomach ulcers years ago, Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori) has become the ever popular cause for peptic and duodenal ulcers since its discovery in the early 1980’s.
Some doctors place the bacterium’s involvement as high as 90%, however medical drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition, high-carb and sugar diets, and an overload of toxins are a much bigger factor in the development of ulcers than given credit by conventional medicine.
H. Pylori is easily inhibited by raising stomach acid, provided this is done before much damage is done by the bug, which is the reason why people with normal acid levels are generally asymptomatic and don’t get ulcers unless they are on certain drugs or consume large amounts of alcohol. Coffee has been found to aggravate the symptoms of H. Pylori infections.
Unfortunately, people with reduced acid levels often times suffer from what they assume is high stomach acid (heartburn, bloating, nausea, frequent burping), and as a result frequently take antacids. By doing so, they encourage greater H. Pylori activity and thus increase the risk for ulcers or gastric cancers, with the bug also being implicated for heart disease, gum disease, asthma, rosacea, and chronic headaches or migraines as well. If patients had indeed high acid levels (as some physicians still have them believe), then why do symptoms quickly improve when stomach acid levels are raised?
The confusion usually stems from the fact that esophageal reflux (GERD) causes heartburn, from acid getting up into the esophagus, which doesn’t have the acid-protective mucus coating of the stomach. However, H. pylori reduces stomach acid.
The paradox IS that having enough stomach acid keeps the valve to the esophagus closed so it cannot be harmed by stomach fluids. Also when the stomach produces stomach acid it also produces bicarbonate of soda. Bicarbonate of soda is what protects the stomach lining from being damaged by the acid. Therefore, it stands to reason that IF the stomach isn’t producing enough acid it also won’t be producing enough bicarbonate of soda which also allows ulcers to form inside the stomach.
After the discovery of H. Pylori, and once medical science accepted it as being a significant factor with ulcers, predictions were made that ulcers and related stomach complaints would become a thing of the past. However, there are as many patients as ever complaining of stomach problems, including those who had been “supposedly” "cured" of H. Pylori.
The reason is very simply low stomach acid – which had not been corrected, even though that was the cause in the first place. Antibiotic-resistant Helicobacter Pylori cases have now become a commonplace occurrence as well, and there are also plenty of patients who simply don’t tolerate any of a number of antibiotics used in the treatment of H. Pylori. That is because antibiotics are toxic, and while they kill H. pylori they will also wipe out good organism as well, leaving the door open to candida/yeast overgrowth.
Following are some "Natural Remedies" that have been used with mixed results for H. Pylori:
Whether regular consumption of sulfur-containing sources such as Garlic and Onions is of
any benefit for H. Pylori symptoms is unclear, as some individuals seem to benefit, while others don’t.

A similar question mark applies to the regular intake of Licorice and Cinnamon, larger amounts of Vitamin C, as well as Coconut oil, or spicy foods such as Hot (Chili) Peppers which all have shown to inhibit Helicobacter Pylori in clinical trials.
Probiotic-types of remedies (friendly bacteria) consisting of Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidus are an important addition to any therapy for H. Pylori infection, which will help inhibit it, and counteract any headaches, early-morning nausea, or general dyspepsia associated with low stomach acid alone, or following antibiotic therapy, with the acidophilus being best taken at bedtime. Some patients only tolerate the non-dairy lactobacillus acidophilus without the bifidus.
An optional adjunct remedy in the treatment of H. Pylori is Bismuth, which is also part of over the counter products such as Pepto-Bismol. Cellular bismuth and lithium levels routinely test below normal with low acid levels, respectively to upper stomach involvement (bismuth), and lower stomach / duodenal involvement (lithium).
Sulforaphane is a promising compound that inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter Pylori. This effect was identified by scientists at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore while investigating sulforaphane – one of a class of chemicals called isothiocyanates – for its protective effect against cancer.
Sulforaphane is found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, and kale, with broccoli sprouts containing anywhere from 30 to 50 times the concentration of the chemical as contained in the mature plants.
Most patients who don’t produce enough stomach acid will continue to experience problems, even if antibiotic therapy or any other "natural" approach has successfully killed the it, but not everyone necessarily always suffers from "heartburn"-like symptoms, or bloating.
Low stomach acid can be a factor with headaches, chronic fatigue, non-specific aches and pains, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and other calcium metabolism-impaired problems — all the way to various cancers. Many of these complaints are rectified by normalizing stomach acid, and from personal clinical observation, I’m convinced that even several non-gastric types of cancers could be prevented, since they never seem to develop in the presence of normal acid levels.
To help the symptoms, or until any of several possible causes for low stomach acid are resolved, taking betaine hydrochloric acid with meals is indicated.
When nothing has been successful, or when there is intolerance to most of the remedies that are usually helpful with low-acid symptoms, then regularly eating 1 to 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut whenever symptoms occur is the best option.  Baking soda treats the condition

Calcium and Vitamin D Without Vitamin K2 May Be Dangerous

If you take calcium and vitamin D but are deficient in vitamin K2, you could be worse off than if you were not taking those supplements at all, as demonstrated by one meta-analysis that linked calcium supplements to heart attacks.2
This meta-analysis looked at studies involving people taking calcium in isolation, without complementary nutrients like magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K2, which help keep your body in balance.
In the absence of those other important cofactors, calcium CAN have adverse effects, such as building up in coronary arteries, initiating excessive clotting and causing heart attacks, which is really what this analysis detected. So if you are going to take calcium, you need to be sure you have balanced it out with vitamin D and vitamin K2.

Cabbage Is Rich in Vitamin K1 and B Vitamins

One serving of cabbage can provide you with 85 percent of your body’s daily requirement of vitamin K1, which deserves a special mention because many people are deficient in this vitamin. Vitamin K1 is a fat-soluble vitamin most well known for the important role it plays in blood clotting and bone metabolism, but it’s also a known Alzheimer’s disease preventive by helping to limit neuron damage in your brain.
Cabbage also contains healthy amounts of B vitamins, including folate (which is better than the synthetic form known as folic acid found in many supplements), vitamin B6, vitamin B1, and vitamin B5. B vitamins are not only important for energy, they may also slow brain shrinkage by as much as seven-fold in brain regions specifically known to be most impacted by Alzheimer’s disease.

Digestive Benefits and Ulcer-Healing Properties

Cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair as it is a huge source of vitamin U (which is actually not a vitamin but an enzyme known as S methylmethionine). Research shows that vitamin U, administered as raw cabbage juice, is effective in promoting the rapid healing of peptic ulcers.5
Cabbage juice is also one of the strongest stimulants for your body to produce acid. This is a good thing, as many people have low stomach acid, which is the cause of their digestive problems, and will significantly increase the risk of infection. Having a few teaspoons of cabbage juice before eating, or better yet, fermented cabbage juice from sauerkraut, will do wonders to improve your digestion. Other compounds in cabbage that also have the potential to benefit your stomach and intestinal linings include glucosinolates, anti-inflammatory isothiocyanates, antioxidant polyphenols, and the amino acid-like substance called glutamine.

The Way You Prepare Your Cabbage Matters

Cabbage is best prepared as close to raw as possible, sometimes called tender-crisp, to preserve its many nutrients. Short-cooked and raw cabbage, for instance, were the only kind that had measurable cancer-preventive benefits in one study (long-cooked cabbage did not have measurable benefits!).6 Microwaving is another no-no for cabbage, as just two minutes in the microwave destroys many of the enzymes needed to convert the glucosinolates into cancer-preventive compounds.7
Steaming or sautéing your cabbage quickly, or eating it raw in coleslaw and salads is a better option. Cabbage can also be juiced, as mentioned, and fermented, which will provide your body with healthful amounts of beneficial bacteria and, if certain starter cultures are used, vitamin K2.
Cabbage can also be used as one of the primary vegetables for fermented vegetables. It should comprise at least 80 percent of your vegetable blend when making fermented veggies, so this is an incredibly efficient way to get more cabbage into your diet. Here’s a quick guide for how to make your own fermented cabbage (you can find more in-depth instructions here).
  1. Shred and cut your chosen veggies.
  2. Juice some celery. This is used as the brine, as it contains natural sodium and not only eliminates the need for sea salt but also keeps the vegetables free of the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
