1.  Bone Broth Fast:  Do a 3-7 Day bone broth (grass-fed beef, chicken or fish bones are the best but you can do vegetable broth as well) fast to cleanse the gut and starve out the bacteria while providing nutrients such as proline and glycine that are necessary for the gut membrane to heal.
You can have herbal teas and organic coffee with coconut oil and ghee along with the bone broth on this fast.
2.  Low FODMAPS Diet:  After completing the bone broth fast (even if you can only do 1 day or 24 hours) begin following the Low-FODMAPS diet plan here for 14 days
3.   GAPS Diet:  After finishing the 14 days on the low FODMAPS plan, move into a low-FODMAP GAPS diet here for the next 14 days where you begin to add back some fermented foods and beverages.
4.  Slow Reintroduction:  Add higher FODMAP group foods back into your system slowly.  Take one food (such as avocado) and add it back for 3 days and see if you notice more gas, cramping and other digestive issues.  If so, eliminate that food, go back on GAPS-FODMAP diet for 2-3 days and then try another food higher FODMAP food (onion).
5.  Hydration:  It is especially important to focus on hydration and electrolytes during this period.  Aim to drink a minimum of half your body weight in ounces of water.  Most individuals with SIBO respond really well to high amounts of water as it helps to flush out bad bacteria from the system.
I will often tailor programs to help individuals with SIBO super-hydrate their systems with great success.  It is also adviseable to use good pink salts such as Himalayan sea salt adding in 1/4 tsp per 8oz of water to help mineralize the body.
6.  Use Organic Acids:  Individuals with SIBO typically respond well to small amounts of organic acids such as apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.  Add these to your water or herbal teas.  Proper ratios would be 1-2 tbsp of ACV per 8oz of water or 1/4 – 1/2 lemon per 8oz of water.
These acids help to kill off bacteria and improve the production of digestive juices such as hydrochloric acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes.  Drink them between meals and before a meal to improve digestion function.
7.  Intermittent Fasting:  I have my SIBO clients do intermittent fasting where they only consume foods between a 6-8 hour eating window each day.  The fasting window helps to starve down the bacteria and reduce their count.  It also helps enhance the healing process and the restoration of the gut lining.  Read this article for more information in Int Fasting.
8.  Liquid Nutrition:  I recommend consuming protein shakes with berries and coconut milk or raw, grass-fed milk (if tolerable) and a high quality protein powder.  I am also a big fan of soups, stews, bone broth, green juices, herbal tea and coffee with coconut oil and grass-fed ghee.  Also doing some coconut water kefir and sauerkraut or kimchii juice early in the GAPS is a great idea.
Liquid nutrition is easy on the digestive system and reduces stress on the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines.  This enhances the healing process of the body.
9.  Fermented Foods:  Begin slowly adding in fermented veggies such as organic and live sauerkraut, kimchii, natural pickles, coconut water kefir and coconut yogurt.  Consuming a few tbsps throughout the day and especially with any larger meals is especially helpful.
10.  Oil Pulling:  Doing oil pulling with coconut oil and a drop of essential oils is especially helpful.  This process reduces the microbial load on the body and improves immunity.  Read this article on oil pulling here
11.   Get Moving and Regular Sunlight:  Moving on a regular basis, especially light intensity movement such as walking helps reduce inflammation in the body and improve bowel transit time.  Getting regular sun exposure enhances the healing process through the assimilation of biophotons into the skin.
Additionally, sun exposure provides vitamin D3 which we want to optimize in order to heal effectively.
12.  Improve Your Gut Motility:  Improving bowel movement frequency and consistency is a key detoxification concept.  Read this article for steps and strategies to improve bowel motility.
13.  Digestive Support Pack:  If you have mild symptoms of SIBO, I would recommend using our basic digestive health support pack here
14.  Utilize an Advanced SIBO Support Supplement Program:  If you have moderate-severe SIBO than I would recommend using an advanced SIBO support supplement program and strongly considering working with a natural practitioner who is trained in helping people overcome SIBO naturally.