Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice


What makes Carrot Juice so nutritious is that it contains a large amount of beta-carotene, vitamins and potassium in it.
Improves Immunity & Heart Diseases: Beta-carotene makes it a rich source of vitamin A. It also helps improve the immune system. The abundance of vitamin A in carrot juice can help improve your sight and the daily intake can prevent the onset of heart diseases and strokes (1). Vitamin A in addition keeps the lining of the internal organs healthy in order to prevent it from being infected by pathogenic organisms.

Reduces Cholesterol
 Here comes an amazing benefit of carrot juice. The potassium present in carrot juice can reduce cholesterol levels (2). It is good for the liver as it reduces fat and bile in it. Potassium, along with manganese and magnesium stabilizes blood sugar level, thus helping to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Aids In Clotting Of Blood: Vitamin K present in carrot juice helps blood to clot.

Heals External Wounds And Gums
 Vitamin C helps to heal wounds and keeps the gums healthy.

Prevents Cancer
It also acts like an anti-cancer agent. Increased intake of carotenoids in carrot juice has been said to decrease instances of bladder, prostate, colon and breast cancer (3).

Bone Health
Vitamin K, present in Carrot juice is essential for the protein building process in the body. It also helps in the binding of calcium that in turn leads to the faster healing of broken bones (4). Potassium present in carrot also helps to improve bone health.

Beauty Benefits 

But for the women, carrot juice is not just about good health, but also about looking beautiful. Beauty benefits include:
 Potassium helps reduce skin dryness and reduces scars and blemishes. It also gives life to your skin by improving the skin tone. It will also help improve hydration and thus keep your skin moisturized (6).
  1. Prevents Acne: Since it is high in essential oils, it also helps prevent acne by detoxifying your body (7).
    Vitamins Needed For Skin:
     This juice effectively acts as a vitamin supplement for your skin. It also contains so many healthy nutrients that it canreduce skin related problems like eczema which is caused by deficiency of vitamin A, dermatitis and rashes. The beta-carotenoids which help in photosynthesis in plants, help reduce sunburn and also increase the skin’s resistance towards sun damage.


    Fights Ageing: 
    The beta-carotenoid when entering the body changes into vitamin A and reduces cell degeneration and thus slows down the aging of the body. It largely improves the amount of collagen in the skin and thus helps in maintaining elasticity and hence reducing the visible signs of aging like sagging skin and wrinkles, as collagen is what accumulates in our body and keeps it firm and healthy (9).
      1. Hair Care: It also increases hair growth.
      1. Nail Care: It also increases nail strength.
      Carrot juice is especially considered to be beneficial for prenatal care as it improves the health of the expectant mother and child.
      1. Calcium Supply: It also acts as a very rich source of calcium.

       Carrot juice is extremely filling, and because of low calorie count, it is the best natural health drink for a person who is trying to lose weight. It contains a large amount of natural sugar, so you don’t have to add additional sugar to it. Juicing together carrot, apple, celery and cucumberis a very healthy recipe for a good weight loss drink.
      Carrot Juice also contains a large amount of Vitamin B complexes which help in breaking down glucose, fat and protein. So it helps in building muscle, increasing our metabolism and thus helping in weight loss. Vitamin B complexes also help to reduce stress and depression, which usually holds back weight loss. Phosphorous in Carrot juice boosts the body’s metabolic rate; ensures optimal use of energy in the body and decreases pain after a workout.
      1. The amount of Iron in carrot juice can increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the body, thus helping us do more workouts to lose weight.

      1. Controls Sugar Levels
      2.  Magnesium and Manganese present in Carrot Juice can stabilize sugar levels and help to reduce weight due to diabetes.
      1. Carrot juice cleanses the body and rids it of any toxins, aiding weight loss. Fresh raw carrot juice cleanses the digestive tract of toxins, waste, indigestible material, which in turn cures and prevents obesity (17).
       Many people love the natural taste of carrot juice, but you can also add other fresh juices, such as orange, lemon, ginger or mint to give it a different flavor. 
      Juice of carrot and cinnamon together forms a very healthy antioxidant rich drink which can reduce cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes.